
Digitech 2120 artist
Digitech 2120 artist

digitech 2120 artist

It's not really made to do that very well like, say, the Rocktron Prophesy is. In particular, the Voodu Valve has nice tube-ish girth to it, and I would say is the best "all around" choice for price/features/sound.Īhhh.well, then, as wonderfully flexible, configurable and customizable as the 2120's effects section is, I DEFINITELY would not suggest it as an effects-only unit. If you want an all-in-one preamp/effects unit like that, I'd suggest checking out the Rocktron units.Chameleon, Voodu Valve, Prophesy.they and others all have their different strong suits, depending on what you want it for. If you want it for clean and mildly distorted stuff, then I'd say you might love it.if you want an all-out metal monster, I'd say, look elsewhere.

digitech 2120 artist

Very very nicely designed and laid out.but, in the end, it didn't have it for me in the most important aspect-sound. Programmability and programming flexibility is another story, and I don't think anything I've ever seen or tried comes anywhere close to the 2120 in that respect. It always felt somewhat dead and stiff in the dynamics/sensitivity department, and its preamp section always seemed kinda blah for the high-gain sound I wanted. Personally, in the end, it just didn't cut the mustard or stand up to other preamp or preamp/effects units for what I wanted.

digitech 2120 artist

Just as an aside - there also appear to be no possible display contrast adjustments either within software or hardware on this unit (not that I think adjustment will cure this - it's clearly a fault).I used to own one for a while, as my first rack preamp/effects unit. I have replaced the battery in the unit and done a hard reset. NOTE: the 2120 works fine in every other aspect, 100% of the time.

digitech 2120 artist

This suggests to me that there is an issue with either some aspect of the mains input (Line Filter? Smoothing Caps?) OR the mains circuit to which this unit is sensitive – or am I barking up the wrong tree? To add an extra layer of mystery, if the device (to which the 2120 is hooked up to) is disconnected from the mains (but still connected to the 2120), the LCD display reverts to normal. However, you could just about view the screen OK from the side (at an oblique angle) - but this isn't ideal! ? If you hook the unit up to a power amp (or whatever – I’ve tried several), suddenly, the LCD display stops working correctly - it looks like the contrast had been turned up - you can see every character on screen (patch names etc were not visible - they were just blacked out). When the unit is first switched on (and NOT connected by the Output sockets to an amplifier or other external device), the display is fine. I'm in the UK and I've just acquired a Digitech 2120 - which works fine, apart from a very odd/annoying problem with the display.

Digitech 2120 artist